The Macca team hasn't yet told you about our efforts running, walking, cycling and rowing to honour the Kenn Borek Air (KBA) crew Bob, Mike and Perry around the 23rd January. Macca currently holds the KBA trophy, a model Twin Otter sitting at home in the station mess. This year the team took to the island and the gym. Our island walks combined with works programs - Sandy Bay stairs repairs and hut stocktakes at Hurd Point and Green Gorge. Our gym junkies pumped out the kms to make an impressive combined effort travelling 188.1kms.
This week some lucky expeditioners headed to the remote south west of the island to support TAS Parks & Wildlife Service with albatross camera monitoring replacements and reserve management, removing old rabbit exclusion fencing that is no longer required since rabbits were successfully erradicated. The guys ascended to Petrel Peak to help monitor the wandering albatross. It was a breathtaking experience seeing these majestic birds in their natural habitat. From the peak they also saw the grey headed albatross nests and observed these incredible birds from afar.
Every day this small island continues to delight and surprise our now-team of 16. Late this week we saw 7 orcas very close to shore in Garden Cove, amongst them a small calf. They stayed for a long time, learning to hunt whilst fur seal pups played in the adjacent shallow pools and a few 'brave' elephant seals ventured out in the bay.