Category 1
As a scientific research organisation the most important, and most valuable type of publication is a paper in the peer-reviewed international literature, as defined by the Thomson Reuters ISI Master Journal List. Papers published in Category 1 should be regarded as contributing most to the scientific standing of the Australian Antarctic Science Program (AASP). Edited books/conference volumes, and book chapters will also attract the highest rating.
Category 2
For papers in this category to be accepted, they must have been submitted to relevant international bodies: for example, Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings (ATCM), the Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP), Convention for the Conservation of Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) meetings, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) meetings, the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP) meetings.
Category 3
Conference abstracts, papers, posters and verbal presentations, articles in trade journals, book reviews published in scholarly journals, and student theses are included in this category.
Category 4
Articles on the AAD website, in certain prestigious newsstand magazines and the Australian Antarctic Magazine are included in this category, as are radio interviews and talks.
Category 5
Covers contributions to Monograph series on Antarctic science.
Category 6
Reports to government organisations are included in this category, as are reports to joint government/industry/research bodies.
Association with the Australian Antarctic Science Program
All publications submitted to the database must be associated with a past or current approved AASP project or directly related to Australia’s contributions to relevant international bodies. The database is used as an indicator of outputs from the AASP, not as a publication repository for researchers. The AAD website has a database of current and previous projects if you are unsure of the correct project number. The inclusion of submitted publications not associated with a project will be at the discretion of the publications officer.
Publications will be entered on the database and sent to the relevant Program Leader for approval before becoming visible to the public.
Availability of papers
No paper included on the database will be kept as a hard copy at the AAD, apart from past ANARE reports and research notes kept in the AAD library. Where available, a digital object identifier (doi) number will be included in the entry and interested parties can access journal articles through this link. Similarly, links to conference web sites and articles will be provided where possible. Data and maps are managed by the Australian Antarctic Data Centre.