The Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) representing the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, purchases a broad variety of goods and services for its own consumption including:

  • consultancies and professional services
  • construction
  • maintenance and material supply contracts
  • facilities contracts
  • capital equipment

Information pertaining to how the AAD, as an Australian Government entity, is required to conduct procurement may be found at the Department of Finance’s site, Make Selling To Government Your Business.

All potential suppliers seeking involvement in business opportunities with the AAD must be cognisant of the AAD Environmental Policy and Guidelines.

The AAD also strongly supports the Australian Government’s Indigenous Procurement Policy. Potential Indigenous suppliers may find out more at the Supply Nation website.

Potential suppliers are advised to visit Australian Government procurement information website AusTender for current Approaches to Market (

If you require any additional information on AAD Purchasing and Contracts, please contact
