In 2019 the Australian Government announced a funding investment to upgrade our network of Antarctic research stations and supporting infrastructure over the next 10 years – recognition of the critical assets required to support a robust and safe Australian Antarctic Program.

The last time major renewal work of this nature was undertaken at Mawson, Casey and Davis research stations was in the 1980s. Modernisation on this scale will enhance Australia’s ability to lead world‐class science and environmental stewardship across East Antarctica.

The work proposed is being managed within the Antarctic Infrastructure Renewal Program (AIRP), and comprises initial works packages to renew aviation facilities and undertake priority works for Davis Research Station.

The AIRP will also seek to:

  • Modernise fuel storage, water supplies, energy provision, and communication technology
  • Upgrade heavy vehicles, mobile equipment, and supporting infrastructure
  • Improve medical facilities
  • Improve the environmental sustainability of research stations
  • Provide new science equipment to support research and development.

This investment in the Australian Antarctic Program will strengthen Australia’s science, presence and leadership in Antarctica, underwriting the implementation of the Australian Antarctic Strategy and 20 Year Action Plan.

What is the Antarctic Infrastructure Renewal Program?

The Antarctic Infrastructure Renewal Program (AIRP) will modernise new and existing infrastructure, improve operations, and revitalise ongoing science programs.

The AIRP will be delivered using a Program Alliance delivery model, in accordance with the National Alliance Contracting Guidelines, and will include a two-stage procurement process to select the AAD’s preferred partner(s) and form an Alliance.

The procurement process involves an Expression of Interest (EOI) Phase to shortlist 2 proponents that will participate in an extensive interactive Request for Proposal (RFP) phase where proponents will develop their costs and proposals for the two Initial Works Packages.

Invitation for Industry participation

Whilst this procurement is focused on identifying Non-Owner Participants to enter a Program Alliance, the AAD will facilitate opportunities for local industry participation during delivery. Industry participants from Australian states and territories interested in providing goods and services to the Alliance are encouraged to register their interest to participate at the link below.

Industry registration form

Program Alliance

Initial works packages

Aviation facilities renewal at:

  • Wilkins Aerodrome
  • Casey Ski Landing Area
  • Davis Ski Landing Area

Priority works at Davis research station

Additional works packages (subject to funding)

  • Casey station infrastructure upgrades
  • Mawson station infrastructure upgrades
  • New research facility at Davis station
  • Ad-hoc works, plus potential additional new research facilities at Mawson and Casey stations

Key procurement milestones (indicative only, subject to change)

Expression of interest (EOI) phase – completed

Announcement of EOI Successful Respondents

The 2 successful respondents from the Expression of Interest procurement stage invited to participate in the Request for Proposal (RFP) procurement stage have each formed their own consortia named:

  • ACH Alliance (comprising CPB Contractors, Arcadis, Hatch)
  • Aurora Alliance (comprising Bouygues Construction, Stantec Australia, Mott MacDonald Australia)

Request for proposal (RFP) phase

  • Release of RFP, 16 January 2023
  • Submission of RFP phase proposals, 31 May 2023
  • Successful proponent announcement, late 2023