Onboard RSV Nuyina is a Science Data Management System (SDMS) that collates all the scientific systems together to present a cohesive overview.

Virtually all of the science systems onboard the ship will be able to operate independently including having the ability to store their own data. However, these systems are fragmented and dispersed across the ship making it difficult for people on board to see the big picture from a science point of view.

The Science Data Management System (SDMS) gathers these systems together and presents a cohesive and accessible picture of the operational science systems via the Data in Real Time (DiRT) web system.

The SDMS is a system created and managed by the Australian Antarctic Division and encompasses the following items:

  • One or more Open Research Vessel Data Acquisition Systems (OpenRVDAS) which acquire data from the vessels science systems (principally from UDP data broadcasts)
  • A database to store underway data
  • A Geoserver instance to provide Web Feature Services (WFS)/ Web Map Services (WMS) based on the PostgreSQL database and raster data
  • DiRT Web Server to provide web-based decision support tools and real time displays of scientific data on board the vessel to both desktop and handheld devices
  • Configuration and management of the 30 information display computers located around the ship
  • The Science virtual Local Area Network (VLAN)
  • The Science virtual servers
  • Some basic GIS services on board the vessel that can be utilised by scientists and operational staff in their own personal GIS systems (including a WFS voyage track)
  • The matrix of screens in the science operations room (controlled via KVM)
  • A KVM, one console mounted and two overhead displays on the bridge with links to the aft control room, that provide the officer of the watch access to the science data necessary for the operation of the ship

All data collected onboard will be managed for the research community through the Australian Antarctic Data Centre.
