A baby seal snuggles up to its mother while looking in the camera

The Australian Antarctic Program: A year in pictures

Every year our scientists and expeditioners take some incredible photos of… Read more

A man in yellow with snow in his beard, stands on a snowy slope under blue sky

Are you sick of the heat? Come and work in Antarctica!

Tradespeople keen for a cool change have three weeks left to apply for a… Read more

A man in yellow stands on a snowy slope with hills in the background

Antarctic recruitment closes in less than a month

The Australian Antarctic Program is looking for more than 200 tradespeople… Read more

Two people preparing a small, lime green underwater vehicle for deployment through a small, circular hole in sea ice.

First comprehensive biodiversity surveys and environmental risk assessment at Mawson

Scientists are undertaking the first comprehensive biodiversity surveys… Read more

A variety of seafloor organisms clustered together, including a fish, star fish, sea suirts, sponges and sea pens.

Marine mystery in the Bunger Hills

Scientists are investigating an ancient Antarctic mystery this season… Read more

Three women in yellow Antarctic gear standing on a snowy slope

Antarctic Medal nominations open

Nominations have opened for the 2025 Antarctic Medal, which recognises… Read more

Five people in hi vis building the fame of a tent on a platform in a snowy landscape

Bunger Hills camp set up and ready for restart of the Denman Terrestrial Campaign

The set-up up team is at Bunger Hills, 450 km from Casey research station… Read more

A woman kneels on ice and marks a yellow-topped plastic container with a black pen. There are penguins in the background.

Monitoring for avian influenza in East Antarctica

Scientists are monitoring for signs of avian influenza in seabirds in East… Read more

This graphic shows how DNA can help discriminate between seabird species caught as bycatch compared to visual methods of identification.

Using DNA to identify seabird bycatch

Scientists have used DNA technology to help identify threatened albatross… Read more

Old photo of four women on the deck of a ship.

Krill research aquarium to be named after pioneering marine biologist Dr Isobel Bennett

A world-leading krill research facility being built in the Hobart suburb… Read more

A colony of emperor penguins with fluffy chicks of various sizes

Satellite imagery charts emperor penguins’ struggle to survive

New Australian research using satellite imagery to monitor the location of… Read more

Three people in orange high-vis vests stand beside a red ship

Antarctic season begins

RSV Nuyina has set sail for Davis research station, marking the start of… Read more

A woman in a white laboratory coat using some scientific equipment in a perspex cabinet

Molecular monitoring for marine change and threats

DNA technology promises to improve efforts to monitor marine life in the… Read more

Three people working on the Antarctic ice, alongside a red and white twin turboprop aircraft.

Understanding Antarctica’s contribution to sea level rise

Within the next decades to centuries, will melting of the Antarctic Ice… Read more

A man holds a white, hydrogen-filled balloon above his head, standing on snow in front of a blue building.

World Ozone Day

The ongoing recovery of the ozone layer is being monitored by Australian… Read more

Four astronauts in white suits standing in front of a rocket at night.

Antarctic research supports healthy space for astronauts

Today, four astronauts are orbiting Earth on the Polaris Dawn mission… Read more

Different plants growing in mounds on gravelly soil.

First fuel spill clean-up targets identified for Macquarie Island

Australian scientists have developed the first environmental standards for… Read more

A red icebreaker ship cuts a swathe through ice

AAD calls for public comment on draft Initial Environmental Evaluation: Operation of RSV Nuyina and science systems

The Australian Antarctic Division is calling for public comment on a draft… Read more

A blue and white line drawing showing two krill performing part of a mating dance, based on video imagery captured by a deep-sea camera.

Celebrating World Krill Day

It's World Krill Day and we’re celebrating the big role these tiny… Read more

Iridescent clouds over icebergs and an orange sunset

Rare iridescent clouds appear over Mawson

Antarctic expeditioners at Mawson research station have had front row… Read more

Macquarie Island research station's isthmus with buildings, including a satellite dome, in the background.

Nuclear scientists inspect new building for test ban monitoring site at Macquarie Island

If a nuclear weapon is tested anywhere in the world, a global monitoring… Read more

People in orange high vis vests stand around a parts of a scientific instrument on display in a warehouse

High-tech towers to monitor Antarctic biodiversity

One of a planned 20-strong network of Antarctic observing towers… Read more

A sperm whale pokes its enormous rectangular head above the ocean surface.

Sound science delivers whale symphony

A passive listening device recording whale calls and other underwater… Read more

A sunrise casts an orange glow on a wooden sign saying 'Welcome to Davis'.

The sun rises on Antarctica

After five weeks of winter darkness, Davis research station is basking in… Read more

Antarctic rivalries get pushed to the limit

Expeditioners across all four Antarctic and sub-Antarctic research… Read more

Three mountain peaks with snow around one and penguins in the foreground

Calls for public comment on plans to expand the Heard Island and McDonald Islands Marine Reserve

The public is being urged to have input on plans to expand the Heard and… Read more

Bauer Bay field hut on a sunny day

Macquarie Island research station prepares for busy year ahead

Extra tradespeople are on Macquarie Island this year to work on major… Read more

Frosty patterns on a soap bubble light from behind with a torch

Antarctica in miniature

Antarctica in a soap bubble. Tiny, jewel-like worlds, frozen in a bubble. Read more

A woman in orange hi vis stands on a ship's deck with an island in the background.

Arts Fellows seek inspiration from Macquarie Island

Botanical illustrator Maura Chamberlain and writer Favel Parrett spent… Read more

Two people look at a square hole in the ice with dark blue water in it.

Midwinter celebrations mark turning point for expeditioners

Antarctic and sub-Antarctic expeditioners are preparing to mark the… Read more

Eight people stand alongside a rectangular metal corer containing a four-metre long core of ocean sediment.

Ship’s systems ready for science

Antarctic icebreaker RSV Nuyina is preparing for an ambitious marine… Read more

Rodents were predating on invertebrates and eggs, and hillside erosion – exacerbated by rabbits – was leading to landslides that in one instance, killed hundreds of king penguins at Lusitania Bay.  Acknowledging the seriousness of that threat, in 2007 the Tasmanian and Federal governments funded an ambitious three-year, $25 million campaign to wipe out all three pest species at once.  It relied on a targeted strategy of aerial baiting, release of the calicivirus, and dogs to ensure the last of the rabbits and rodents were eradicated.  Dogs and their handlers scoured the island twice over, covering more than 90,000km until in 2014, no rat, mouse or rabbit had been seen for the required two-year period and the island was declared pest free.

Macquarie Island’s astounding recovery, ten years on from rats, mice and rabbits

It's ten years since a world-first eradication campaign rid Macquarie… Read more

A man looks into a clear perspex tank containing some tiny, transparent jellyfish-like plankton floating around.

Antarctica’s fragile plankton ready for research

New fragile and exotic marine creatures, captured in waters off Antarctica… Read more

Adélie penguin at historic hut

Call for community comment: Review of Mawson’s Historic Site Management plan 2013–2018

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water is… Read more

A snowy mountain range and rough seas with a bird in the foreground.

Snow, swell and 50 knot winds: A late May resupply in the Furious Fifties

The Macquarie Island resupply is underway, with half the cargo now… Read more

This map shows the location of a satellite tag when it detatched from a skate at Heard Island, more than 5300 kilometres from where it was found on a beach on Bruny Island off Tasmania. The map shows the drift of the satellite tag between Heard Island and Bruny Island . A small inset map shows the more detailed location of where the tag was found on Bruny Island.

Message in a satellite tag

A satellite tag, originally attached to a deep-sea skate off Heard Island… Read more

Two Antarctic expeditioners outside at Davis research station.

Antarctic veteran works with both sons on assignment down south

In 2016, Flinders Johnston and Cathy Hawkins were the first mother and son… Read more

Australian Antarctic scientists in bid for NASA space mission

Two Antarctic scientists in Tasmania are part of an international team… Read more

Aerial view of an Antarctic blue whale with a puff of aerated water rising like a cloud from its blow hole.

Listening to giants – the search for the elusive Antarctic blue whale

Antarctic scientists have released a comprehensive snapshot of blue whales… Read more

A group of people stand smiling in front of the icebreaker RSV Nuyina, with Murphy the guide dog and a plastic collection dog.

Much loved station mascot returns to sub-Antarctic

Stay was a well-travelled Antarctic mascot who helped raised thousands of… Read more

Modern mapping at Mawson

Seafloor features and potential shipping hazards on the approach to Mawson… Read more

High up view of Macquarie Island station with narrow isthmus in the foreground and high hills at the back

Seismic rumbles send Macquarie Island expeditioners up the hill

Expeditioners at Macquarie Island have been rattled by several earthquakes… Read more

A woman in red Antarctic gear and an AAP beanie smiling into the camera

Seabird, seal monitoring crucial as Avian Influenza reaches Antarctica

Seabird and seal monitoring has taken on new urgency after Avian Influenza… Read more

Thick sea ice blanketing the southern ocean.

The lows and lows of Antarctic sea ice

It’s the third year in a row Antarctic sea-ice extent has dropped below… Read more

The Continuous Plankton Recorder being retrieved from the Southern Ocean by RSV Nuyina

Nuyina joins Southern Ocean plankton survey

Australia’s Antarctic icebreaker RSV Nuyina has made its first… Read more

Three figures walk along a mountain ledge covered in snow

Tonnes of rock and ice samples on the way back to Australia as landmark campaign wraps up

Edgeworth David Base camp has been packed up and all the scientists and… Read more

A cluster of brightly coloured buildings with the sea in the background and snow covered hills

AAD calls for public comment on draft Initial Environmental Evaluation: All Stations Operations Activities

The AAD is calling for public comment on a draft Initial Environmental… Read more

Aerial view of sea ice with cracks revealing a dark ocean beneath

Antarctic sea ice in crisis

Antarctic sea ice is in crisis, with a sudden decline recently observed… Read more

An aerial view of a ship in an ice-filled harbour surrounded by dark rock, with a snow-covered hill rising behind and mountains in the distance.

Nuyina’s Mawson voyage to make history

Antarctic icebreaker RSV Nuyina will set sail for Mawson for the first… Read more

Two people in bright yellow outdoor gear stand on a rocky hillside with snow all around.

Denman Terrestrial Campaign enters final weeks after blue skies, blizzards and long days on the ice

The Australian Antarctic Program's collaborative deep field science… Read more

Six people standing between Australian and Danish flags on a rocky outcrop in Antarctica.

The ICECAP-EAGLE has flown

Australian, Danish and American scientists are flying geophysical surveys… Read more

A coloured map of underwater terrain off the Antarctic coast, with colours representing different depths

Antarctic canyon discovered during wild weather

A massive underwater canyon has been discovered in Antarctica by… Read more
