This week’s news is all about the station Anzac Day activities and what this special day means to some of the Davis team.

Anzac Day at Davis

This week sees us commemorate Anzac Day, so we report on our commemoration instead of the normal station news.

We started with our Anzac service lead by Chris before heading back indoors to enjoy a gunfire breakfast prepared by Chef Rocket. After everyone had finished and had some time we all met again upstairs in the living quarters to listen to a letter from Cricket’s (Richard) uncle that he had written to his brother (Richard’s father) during World War II. After the reading there was the traditional round of two-up to be had.

I have spoken with the ex servicemen among us to get their views and opinions on what Anzac Day means to them – they share their thoughts below.

In my family, we have over 40 years of combined service time across three generations. For me, as an ex-serving member of the Defence Force, Anzac Day is an important day where we not only remember the grave sacrifice that many service men and women — past and present — have made but also honour the friends and family of those serving members​ who constantly deal with loss and separation. The day serves as an important reminder to us that we do live in a lucky country and that many men and woman have fought to maintain the freedom we have today — Chris

Reflecting on the servicemen and women who served before me and currently in all conflicts for our country, specifically the crew of the HMAS AE2, one of Australia’s first submarines involved in the war sent to create havoc through the Dardanelles as a distraction for the Gallipoli landings. As a submariner I reflect on all the brave men and women that have served our country, the friendships I have made that will last a lifetime and experiences I had whilst serving in the Defence Force — Graham

Anzac Day has had two significant sides for myself, as a time to remember the Australian and New Zealand Defence personnel who served in conflicts throughout the world, and it has been an honour to meet and hear first hand the stories of many surviving ex-service men and women from the units that I have served. Anzac Day acts as a catalyst to bring people together to talk about past conflicts, both old and recent, that would not otherwise necessarily happen — Derryn

I would like to thank the guys for their thoughts about what Anzac Day means to them.

Iain Tweddle
