Keaton Manolas
Boiler maker/General trades/Poo pants fashionista
Keaton, is this your first trip to Antarctica and what brought you here?
This is my first trip to Antarctica but I have dreamed of coming here since I was 14 after I saw a television show about people working in the Antarctic. They showed the workshops and I just couldn’t believe there were people down here doing those sorts of things. I sent my first application in when I was 22, so when I was finally offered the position I was really stoked. It was a dream come true.
What is it like being a general tradie here?
It’s great. I love it. There are 3 boilermakers here this summer. I am doing mainly the maintenance work which includes going out to the field huts to work which I love.
If not a boilermaker what job would you do?
Nothing else. I have the best job in the world. (good answer…catwalk model was never going to happen)
Keaton, best gig as a boilermaker?
Definitely being here. I have never seen snow before!
Best experience in Antarctica?
That is hard to pinpoint. Flying in a helicopter for the first time was unique and different.
What do you love about Antarctica?
I have loved everything about it. I would like to come back again for a summer, and perhaps a winter as well in the future.
Has being here at Davis been what you expected?
Living and working here at Davis is different, but in a lot of ways, a lot better than I expected. I expected more ice and snow and it is warmer than I thought it would be, but that is good for me because I really feel the cold.
Who inspires you?
I shared a room at the selection centre with a guy who had spent 5 years riding around Europe and Russia, sleeping rough on the side of the road. I would like to do that, ride around and spin the globe.
What have you learned living in a small community?
I have learned to be there for others, just to listen to them. Not to say anything, just listen. I have noticed people starting to get a bit grumpy as the summer season is finishing. (Davis has learned about a whole new fashion trend named ‘The Keaton Poo Pants Look’ — photo below)
If you were a car, what would you be?
I’m not much of a car person, but it would be an old sports car from the 60’s, the type of car James Dean or Austin Powers would drive.
If you could be someone else, who would you be?
Not sure…that’s a tough one.
What is in store when you return home?
First up, I am going to finish completing my private pilot’s license. I have spent a lot of my time flying with my step-father. He has a Mooney 201, a cool little plane. I am going to travel around Australia a bit to catch up with my friends and then head back up north to Cape Preston near Karratha where I have been working in a magnetite mine.
Thanks for your time today Keaton and for the great photo shoot.