Jacki Reid
Station Supply Officer/Social Committee/Band Manager/Rock Legend
Jacki, is this your first trip to Antarctica? What brings you here?
This is my first trip to Antarctica. I was working at the Australian Antarctic Division head office when I applied to come down as the store-person for the Davis summer season and here I am!
What is it like being the supply officer here at Davis?
I have learnt a lot about my job and the work the Antarctic Division does here which has been a real eye opener. I have been lucky enough to have had the support of Ken Smith and Joe Brennan over the season so they have guided me in the right direction. I was one of only two girls in the Trades Group and everyone has been really helpful and supportive. It took a while to find my feet, but I think I got there in the end. It’s been great.
What other job would you really like to do?
I have always been interested in working in the community, so I would love to be a family support worker, maybe one day…
Jacki, what has been the best part of your job here?
I got to fly to all the field huts, apples and melons (unlike the real fruit salad world, a melon is really two apples joined together — got the picture?) to do a hazardous chemicals audit, so that was great. I was able to see so much of Antarctica, it was fantastic.
What do you think has been the highlight of your summer Jacki?
I have had so many great experiences but I think my favourite has been the ice berg cruise. It really took my breath away, and not just because it was so cold. (Personally, I would add her stunning performance as vocalist in the ‘Big Orange Taxi’ end of summer concert.)
What do you love about Antarctica?
Besides the amazing scenery and wildlife, I love that it has really taken me out of my comfort zone. I have had so many amazing experiences here that I just never thought possible, so that has been a huge highlight.
Who inspires you Jacki?
Right now, it is my beautiful friend Steph. She is staying for winter and even though she is scared and sad that all the summerers are leaving, I think she is incredibly brave for following her dream and doing a full summer/winter stint. Here you form friendships very quickly and saying goodbye is really difficult.
If you were granted one wish, what would you go for Jacki?
I would love to bring my two little boys down here to see this amazing place. They would love it. They really adore animals so they would be blown away by the wildlife. My son Ned has seen Barb Wienecke (AAD seabird ecologist) in a movie at the Tasmanian Museum’s Antarctic exhibition and she is his hero. He now wants to be a vet in an Antarctic movie at the museum too. (Barb is one of my heroes too because she is such a great knitter and gave me her pattern for a really cool beanie).
What kind of car would you be Jacki?
I’m not a big car person but I really love Kombi vans, so I would like to be a pretty pink Kombi that was all shiny with pretty curtains!
If you could be someone else, who would you be?
I’d like to stay me because I have amazing family and friends and I wouldn’t want to lose them by being someone else.
Jacki, you have been part of all three bands here at Davis over the summer. What is it like being a rock star and are you a Beyoncé or more a Lady Gaga type?
To be honest, being a rock star is pretty cool, but I think I am more like a Gwen Stefani. She has two boys and a hot husband like me.
What are you looking forward to the most when you get home Jacki?
I can’t wait to see my partner Ashby and my boys, Ned 6 and Leo 3. We have a big family holiday to Bali and Hong Kong in October, so until then I’ll be hanging out with the boys and getting to know them again
Jacki, it has been a pleasure talking to you today. Um…would you mind if I got your autograph please?