Technical officer Damo Everett on boating, scones and 'feeding the fish' at Macquarie Island

Boating begins at Macquarie Island

While most of us are at the 'half time' point in our time at Macca, a handful of our very own are nearing the day of setting sail for home. To achieve this, Macca's fleet of IRBs will be used to conduct passenger and cargo transfer during VR1 with the French icebreaker l'Astrolabe. So there's even more reason to get out on the water and consolidate skills, in addition to some sightseeing of course!

Some of the huts are a bit low on gas so our first mission involved getting gas bottles into our 5-star cabin down at Green Gorge, removing some rubbish and taking some empties out. The weather gods were kind, so over two consecutive days we made the trip to Green Gorge. We even dropped some expos off to save their legs and the trauma of the Doctor's Track.

My fellow coxswains are a rowdy bunch and a pleasure to work with. While Hatto would probably love to troll the shore or flick a lure to feed the station fresh fish, I was quite content just being out on the water. I'm also sure FTO Matty (Vic Water Police) was dreaming about writing up a speeding infringement or tasering a lippy jet ski rider. Our 4th coxswain Helen was busy observing albatross on the southwest slopes. On our second visit to Green, Matty greeted us with some freshly baked scones the size of burger buns, yum! Not just a pretty face.

The following week brought more nice weather and an ambitious plan to service both Bauer and Waterfall in the same day. The notorious west coast looked deceptively flat until we got offshore and encountered a rather uncomfortable swell rolling through. After an expo turned green and 'fed the fish', we decided to abort the Bauer plan and return to the more hospitable east coast. A couple of plumbers and some gas were successfully delivered to Waterfall. We picked a few expos up from Green on the return trip who were too lazy to walk home or just wanted a fun boat ride, returning to station in time for those who were keen to watch the Melbourne Cup or alternatively, soak their weary limbs in the well-maintained spa.

Thanks to all who make boating possible on Macca, especially the team on the beach working the tractors and trailers.   

By Damien 'Damo' Everett
