On Thursday 19th September the sun finally came out, much to the delight of the hunters — it had been absent for 14 days and during this time the team were constantly battered by winds exceeding 40 knots, very cold temps and snow. However, there’s always a mountain to work behind or a valley to slip down into to find protection from the challenging weather. The team also assisted Richard the Ranger with the Giant Petrel Census.
This week we’ve decided to take you on a tour through Hurd Point hut, one of the more popular huts on the island. If only it was up for sale, imagine how the real estate advertisement would read:
- Secluded location, the ocean at your doorstep
- Light and airy with no neighbours for miles
- Open living area — the lounge, dining, kitchen, laundry, entertainment and bedrooms are all in one room.
- Stunning outlook, easy to maintain natural gardens
- Location attracts over 1 million Royal penguins, thousands of seals and numerous species of birdlife.
- Views and smells to take your breath away
- Paparazzi proof