With the season ending for many expeditioners we are all doing our best to squeeze in every possible opportunity to soak up this unbelievable place before we soon begin the voyage north….visiting Adèlie rookeries, berg tours, taking in the local views…crystal clear frozen lakes, snowy landscapes and (already!) some speccy 10pm sunsets.
On the less glamourous side is the station transformation as the team crack on and get Davis ready for her summer population. Dewinterising once dormant buildings, cleaning workspaces, preparing accommodation blocks….and just recently, taking on the monumental effort that is the full clean of the kitchen and LQ (Living Quarters).
Upstairs had a crew throwing some pre-summer love at the cinema, library, Nina’s Bar, common area and quiet/music room. Downstairs it was all hands on the kitchen and mess.
Ripping everything out for a full floor scrub, cleaning walls and every other flat surface in sight, upgrading gas fittings, installing new floor chocks for the heavy cooking hardware and laying up some new stainless steel sheeting to protect heavy traffic areas.
A herculean effort by a crew of 16 taking care of various jobs over the day with good humour and hard work in equal proportions. She’s looking shmick and ready for the 2019/20 team to step in.
LQ Makeovers (Simon, MacGyver, Brownie, Nick, Dan, Ryno, Joe, Kieran, Matt, Glenn, Meg, Lukey, Mike, Liam, Amy, Greg)