When people learn you have been to Antarctica or are going (again) they often say ‘But won’t you be cold?’. My usual reply is that if you have the right gear, and the buildings are very well heated, you're often warmer than back in Oz. I've felt colder in Mt Gambier when it’s 14°C than I do here at 4°C.
However, all at Davis would agree, last weekend was cold. Saturday it reached a maximum temperature of −30.2°C during the day, falling to −37°C overnight. Sunday was a slightly warmer −25.3°C, but that evening the temperature fell further reaching −39.0°C in the early hours of Monday morning. This set a new record minimum temperature for May at Davis. The previous record was −38.3°C on the 23rd May 1964. The coldest temperature ever at Davis recorded is -41.8°C on the 27th April 1998. -39°C was close enough.