Introducing Dr Elise, taking a photographic tour of the station and expeditioners through the eyes of ‘Simo the Sparky', and a successful but chilly fuel transfer.

Station update

Whilst last week we were pleased to share with you the news of our midwinter celebrations, this week we can fill you in on some of the fun that led us into mid–winter.

There was a hive of activity in the kitchen with chef Andrew and Brendan secretly working away on all manner of delectable treats each evening once the expeditioners had cleared out of the mess.  In the days before midwinter, Mat and Adam embarked on a seafood preparation exercise, which I suspect may have degenerated into lobster puppet show.

In a daring multi–tasking move, Andrew set out to accompany Stu Shaw into the field to Browning Peninsula, to reinstate our Channel 21 VHF repeater, which had been removed and returned to station some weeks earlier for repairs. The two guys worked tirelessly for two days embarking on all sorts of inventive means to move the repeater back into position. We now have VHF coverage again down on the Browning Peninsula, just in time for some upcoming project work down that end of the station operating area.

Scottish hosted the ‘Casey 2017 Winter Olympics’ and celebratory BBQ in the new utility building.  Much competition and skill was demonstrated throughout the various events which included boot tossing, curling… yes curling, and wait for it, ice hockey (well, a penalty shoot out).

This week on station has focused on the annual mid–year fuel transfer. In an all station effort we worked throughout the night on a rotating roster to pump almost half a million litres of diesel from our lower fuel farm up to our upper fuel farm, to provide a supply for our powerhouse and machinery for the remainder of the season.

Jacque Comery SL

5 minutes with the Casey 70th ANARE crew: Dr Elise Roberts

Name: Elise Roberts (no relation to Adam or Julia)

Nicknames: Doc

From: Some foreign land over the Tasman Sea

Previous seasons: Antarctic virgin

Job title: Antarctic Medical Practitioner (Just like a Doctor but with better nurses).

Describe your role in two sentences:  I put bandages on the boo-boos and the ouchies of the very accident prone Casey tradies. I educate the station on all things that can kill them whilst they live and work in Antarctica.

What did you do before your joined the AAD: I spent many years studying hard then working hard in the medical profession. This has finally allowed me attain the pinnacle of my profession by working with a nursing team as awesome as the current Casey one.

What is your favourite part of your job here at Casey: Working for Linc on the midwinters play has been the highlight of my Antarctic experience!

If you were not a Doctor what would be your dream job? The coach of any New Zealand sports team that enjoys beating the Australian team.

How does this season at Casey compare to your previous seasons down south? The best yet! Have I mentioned my nurses?!

What do you like to do in your spare time? Admiring the skill, talent and manliness of my nursing team, studying, promising to go to the gym tomorrow, studying, waiting for a midnight call from the ‘aurora watch hotline', studying, occasional cross-country ski, studying, then a little more studying.

What song sums up your Casey experience so far? It just has to be ‘Fix You’ by Coldplay!

What actor would play you in a film version of our 70th ANARE season here at Casey?  Xena — Warrior Princess is a Kiwi! Enough said!

What is your favourite hut for field trips and why? Being a Red Shed Warrior means the risk of injury anytime I step outside is great. So, my favourite hut is the one with the least chance of injury and that is Room 105 in the Red Shed.

Favourite piece of Australian Antarctic Division kit? I have a true fetish for gloves! I splashed out and bought a number of extra pairs, including a pair of electrical heated gloves!

What is your favourite book / movie (or both) and why? Favourite book: The DSM-5 (Truly helpful down here!), Favourite movie: Any movie where Robin Williams portrays a doctor.

What is your typical ‘Slushy FM’ genre? Do you have a particular favourite? Linc’s Ultimate Slushy Playlist is totally awesome!

Describe your Casey experience with: a sight, a smell, a sound, a feeling and a taste.

Sight: Four male nurses all scrubbed and ready for action

Smell: The sanitized medical suite

Sound: A ringing phone, the bane of all doctors

Taste: The sickly sweetness of vitamin D

Feeling: Exuberance at beating Linc in the footy tipping

{Ghost written by Nurse Linc}

My Casey in pictures: Simon Jodrell

Preparing for the Casey mid-year fuel transfer

With the midwinter festivities out of the way, The men and women of Casey station are back on the job as they prepare for the midwinter refuel.

As the fuel kept on Casey station is dropped off by the Aurora Australis once a year in the summer period, it is fed into two fuel farms. The lower fuel farm, located down near the dock, and an upper fuel farm, located up close to Casey station mechanical workshop.

Eventually half the supply is drained throughout the year, and a fuel transfer must be completed to move what is left in the bottom fuel farm, to the top fuel farm.

The fuel transfer is a big task that runs nonstop until completed, requiring all hands on deck to operate and monitor the transfer. It requires everyone to be outside at some stage, throughout the day and night at around −30°C for a few hours at a time.

Mick the mechanical supervisor, takes time to run everyone through safe operation of the fuel farms, the monitoring of the lines of fuel transfer and measuring of the tanks.

Mat C
