The rich golden light, of the past few months that abated to a mere pastel smudge in the sky and led us into our shortest day, is now returning to walk us back toward that brilliant blinding Antarctic sunshine.
On Wednesday eve, the 22 expeditioners of the 70th Casey ANARE shared the great privilege of celebrating the longest night on the Antarctic continent together.
Many time honoured traditions were upheld, and complemented with new ideas to make our mid-winter celebrations uniquely ours.
We were lucky to be able to share this occasion with our colleagues both at Kingston and other stations, via video conference. A day of preparations, and relaxation led to canapés and our midwinter feast.
We joined the National Film and Sound Archive in Canberra for a mid–winter film event, and were honoured to share part of our midwinter celebrations with the live audience.
Chef Andrew assisted by DSL Brendan, presented a sumptuous meal, punctuated with speeches, and some short video clip surprises. Surprise midwinters gifts were shared, leaving us with a treasured memento of our winter.
In lieu of the traditional Cinderella pantomime, a production titled 10 minute Star Wars followed dinner, with a display of fine acting under the direction of Linc.
The evening was rounded out with a dance party under the stars in our very own ice castle, ‘The Blizzed Inn'.