Some scary leopard seal teeth, sweet pups and a beautifully groomed ski way at Casey.

Flying Seals

As the days grow longer at Casey and, for many, our Winter experience draws to a end, it has been a great time to venture out and jam as many special moments and experiences into the memory bank as possible. Similar to when you are at one of those Chinese buffet restaurants and you are allowed to fit as much as you can on your plate. What do you do? You load it until it is falling off the sides.

In the last month I have put down the tools and have been full-time assisting Benny M in getting the ski landing area ready for the Bassler, Hercules and Twin Otter; an experience I have thoroughly enjoyed. Ben has been great to work with and together we have produced an impressive strip.

Now to the second part of the title — seals. Wildlife is returning to Casey like music lovers to the Byron Bay Blues Festival. We have leopard and Weddell seals sprawled out on the seas ice edges from here to Browning peninsula eagerly looking out to sea for their mates from last season to join the party. By the looks of things the Weddell seals have been busy over the austral Spring and most are heavily pregnant or alongside their beautiful new pup.

Some of my recent photos will now finish of my story and I dedicate this to the poor little Adélie that makes it all the way in to the coast and gets chomped by a hungry leopard seal.
