Name: Alex
Nickname: Alex
From: Earth
Any previous seasons? Nope - first time south
Job title: Diesel mechanic
Describe your role: Servicing and maintaining plant and power houses.
What did you do before you joined the AAD? Diesel mechanic in the mines.
What is your favourite part of the job jere at Mawson? The views are nice, and getting to help out with science.
If you were not a diesel mechanic, what would be your dream job? Something in space.
What do you like to do in your spare time? Gaming, and Warhammer.
What actor would play you in a film version of our 76th ANARE season here at Mawson? John Rhys-Davies (Gimli from Lord of the Rings)
What is your favourite hut for field trips and why? Have no idea yet as I've only been to two and need to visit more.
What is your favourite piece of AAD kit? Carhartt Jacket
What is your favourite book / movie? My favourite movie is Empire Strikes Back, and I have just finished reading book 10 of 63 in the Horus Heresy Fallen Angels series.
What is your typical 'Slushy FM' genre? I normally just let our chef Nick play his music, but otherwise, old school rock.
Describe your Mawson experience with: a sound, a smell, and a feeling:
Sound - The hum of the power house and the calls from the Adélies (or someone yelling 'Allan')
Smell - The smell of Nick's cooking
Feeling - The feeling of the wind during a blizzard
Do you have a favourite quote that you'd like to leave us with? May the force be with you.