If flights go as planned this weekend, then we’ve just had our last week as the 71st ANARE wintering team at Mawson, and it’s been a busy one of preparations and celebrations.
To immortalise our winter memories, Linc organised a photo competition so everyone had an excuse to review their umpteen pictures and select their best. Categories were for ‘Jollies', ‘Station Life', ‘Scenic’ and ‘Wildlife’ and were voted for by all on station. Some close competition and some beautiful shots — it was lovely to see them all projected on a big screen. We have included the category winners here. Yes, I know… it looks like Linc rigged it, and he was the one counting the votes, but he really had the most popular pictures…!?
Saturday night was our ‘End of Winter’ formal dinner with everyone dressing up for the occasion and Donna having, once again, gone all out on an amazing meal and dessert table. No chance of running low on sugar here!
Nate and Linc had been busy over the previous weeks reviewing the year’s events and moments in order to present the 2018 ‘Moscars'. Awards received ranged from “Best Slushy Playlist” to “Station Dancing Queen”, covering the full gamut of station life and expeditioner achievement. Thanks to everyone for their contributions to the success of the evening - a lovely night had by all.
on Sunday we had a blizz, making it the perfect recovery day as there was no point even pretending we could be doing anything else! Just enough snow to keep us all inside and fill in enough of Nate’s station roads that he was soon busy out on the digger again.
Monday was our Station Clean-Up day with all hands on deck for a complete spring clean of the kitchen, mess and public areas of the Red Shed, right down to windows and carpets. Great to see everyone taking pride in their Antarctic home and how it will present to others: new rooms are now ready to welcome new faces.
Our first passenger flight, due on Saturday, will also be taking away two of our wintering team, Paul and Cormac, as they head back to Australia via V1 to enjoy trees, rain, fresh fruit and seeing loved ones again. It was a pleasure to spend this time with you here at Mawson, we hope you had a wonderful winter. Bon voyage!