So the big red ship appeared in Kista Strait as scheduled on February 1. We still have sea ice in Horseshoe Harbour but have managed to transfer key personnel on and off station via West Arm to achieve what we can over the last few days. Incoming winterers are on station for handovers and essential infrastructure works scheduled for resupply are ongoing.
The field scientists on Bèchervaise Island are progressing well with their project and should be back on station this weekend to complete their lab work before returning to Australia.
Our Navy hydrography team finally managed to launch via West Bay yesterday on a sensational blue sky day and are enjoying being out on the water and moving forward with their works program.
Station refuelling is underway as I write this. We started the day with a snowstorm which blanketed everything in white and made working conditions unpleasant for those on the water, but now as the working day is ending, the sun is peeping through the clouds. And we’ve have so much fun, we’re going to do it all again tomorrow.
Hopefully the harbour ice will disappear soon, we’ll be able to complete cargo ops and then send the outgoing team on their way home. A big thanks to all of them for all their hard work here at Mawson Station and we wish them a happy homecoming.
By Esther, Station Leader