It is near the end of our time here at Mawson and on reflection, we have had a glorious summer. Pete has managed to capture that feeling in some of these photos that he has taken around Mawson during January…
This week at Mawson: 10 February 2017
Mawson summer reflections
Final Béche update
Out on Béchervaise Island this week, Matt and Lisa finished off the last of their extensive work program on the Adélie penguins in the study colony and did the final check of snow petrel nests before beginning the arduous task of packing up all their personal gear and scientific samples ready for uplift by the ship when they finally manage to get into the harbour and send an IRB. Matt tells me that with their work completed, they are ready for a shower and some of Gav’s cooking.
During resupply the two researchers hope that the ship will be able to spare watercraft operators using IRBs to ferry them out to the islands where cameras are installed near colonies to do a final download and service before winter. It will also give them a chance to see how some of the colonies where breeding pairs were counted earlier in the season have now fared at the other end of the season.
Where is Wally?
It is that time of year when the ship is due to resupply us here at Mawson, and typically the fantastic weather that we have enjoyed throughout the summer has come suddenly to an end.
The clouds have rolled in and the wind has picked up as the ship has slowly made its way here over the vast expanse of the Southern Ocean.
With even more bad weather forecast, we don’t expect the ship to come into the harbour before Saturday at least. By all accounts (huge waves = no sleep) — I would rather be here than there!
If you want to follow the RV Aurora Australis into Mawson you can visit the shipcam online.