Job well done! Mawson station wraps up resupply and everyone breathes a sigh of relief. Now, back to work.

Job well done!

It’s over!

For most resupply was exciting and dynamic whereas for those experienced hands it was simply all part of the job. The statistics will prove that this re-supply was a remarkable effort by all involved (but mostly station leader, Steve). In total there were 216 helicopter flights with 130,000 kg of cargo transported ashore, including 47,000 litres of SAB (Special Antarctic Blend Diesel) and 7700 kg of cargo returned to the Aurora Australis.The 2014 winterers would like to thank all those on board the Aurora Australis for their efforts. We appreciate the early starts, long days and cold conditions they worked through to get us and our equipment ashore.

With resupply operations now complete, and the 2013 wintering team having returned to the Aurora Australis, the 2014 winterers are busy unpacking boxes, stocking shelves and coming to the realisation they are a long way from the crowds, cake and cafes of the cities! We enjoyed our first celebratory dinner on Monday night to commemorate the start of the 67th ANARE with yet another moving speech by Steve before we all retired for some well earned rest.

These past few days have seen the team rest and recuperate, and allowed time for emails and telephone calls back home to loved ones. We resumed normal work on Thursday.
