Haikus are glorious works of art and it’s not uncommon for Antarctic stations to go through a bit of a ‘phase’. The phase at Macquarie Island is subtle but present (like a Haiku).
You could sense it after Nick the chef ‘bought’ a personalised Haiku in a charity auction on station back in July for $70. What’s more, the Haiku hadn’t even been written – it was more of an ‘I owe you’. In fact, I was the one who put it up for auction and I still haven’t written it. In my charity auction item description I implied / promised that the Haiku would result in profound enlightenment. Unfortunately, the weight of expectation has made it difficult for me to concentrate. But I digress. In fairness to Nick, at the time of the charity auction, he was absolutely exhausted having slaved over a lavish meal for us all. And I bought a 240g box of chocolate coated almonds off him for almost as much.
Haikus let go of an idea almost the moment they pick it up. They gently agitate your memory, and cause your thoughts to reverberate like a pebble dropped into a still pond. But they are mostly good because all you need to write one is the ability to count to 17, and a good stock of one syllable words. Without a doubt, it is the fastest and most consistently effective way of feeling like an artistic genius. Much better than torturing the guitar after dinner or making sourdough (see picture attached). Alex has even agreed to write one for Station Update. No preparation. No meditation. No reflection. No proof-reading. Just Alex, 17 syllables and all the soggy inspiration of Macquarie Island.
This island is our home.
She is beautiful and wild.
time is almost up.
OK that is it from me and your friendly neighbourhood Macca crew.