I’ve been out and about a fair bit in recent times undertaking repairs to some of the walking tracks on the island. Whenever possible, walking around the sensitive landscape of Macca is confined to the walking tracks. Walking tracks are usually confined to harder rocky terrain, but often tracks will cross more sensitive areas.
Occasionally, repairs are required to be undertaken in order to repair damage or limit further damage occurring. Over the last year or two, stockpiles of timber decking have been flown into different locations by helicopter during the island’s summer resupply. The sites selected have been identified by previous rangers as being sensitive and prone to damage by foot traffic. Progressively, the works program has migrated to each of these locations and narrow sections of the double plank walkway have been constructed.
Completing some of these remediation works before the onset of winter will ensure that nature’s regenerative power will kick in as the weather warms up in the coming spring. The vegetation on Macca is really starting to show signs of regeneration with the removal of rabbits.
People are always looking for a chance to get off station or vary their tasks a little for the day and I’m always glad of a helping hand and a bit of company. Aaron wrote a story about helping out just recently titled 'ranger step aerobics’.
Working on the Island Lake track, FTO Marty dropped in for a few hours and lent a hand with the laying of timber decking. Karen and Nick from the MIPEP team also dropped by to help for the day — a welcome change to their routine after scouring the landscape for any sign of rabbits. Nick particularly enjoyed swinging the sledge, relishing the chance to do a proper bit of physical work. The hunting dogs took the moment to have a well earned break.