This week we have more fabulous photos of the team celebrating midwinter’s day at Macca including photos from our formal dinner and a few from Cinderella (the play).
Last Saturday, keeping with tradition, the annual Kiwis vs Aussies tug-a-war competition was held. The Kiwis (all in black, an attempt to scare the Aussies) put on a fine performance winning two games out of three. There’s always next year!
Following the Kiwis’ bashful tug-a-war win, the next game on the day’s agenda, with close to 100% participation, was Macquarie Island’s ‘Toss the Haggis’ competition. Pete the Scott ensured everyone understood the rules (in his mixed Kiwi and fake Scottish accent) and before you were allowed to throw the haggis you had to say “Are you ready Jimmy” with accent, and Jimmy (who was actually Jane) then gave permission to throw. Congratulations to Jack and Karen for winning the toss.