Hello from Davis!
A few things have been happening to catch you up on:
Planning for the airdrop is ramping up with the site thoroughly drilled and now marked. Recovery teams, weight limits and retrieval plans are being organised. Wildlife has been notified to avoid the designated area!
The weekend of the 9th saw multiple trips out to sightsee around the Sørsdal Glacier. Saturday had blue skies and clear weather giving great views, while Sunday’s ominous weather made for deep blues in the icebergs and threatening skies in photos.
That station continues to clear snow; championed by Tony, the deck has been recovered! We have light flooding back into the dining room again. A final attempt at a snow cave/bar is underway but it is a race between the weather and the clearing crews.
The physical sciences (real sciences) have been getting a work out; between the ozone hole (currently over us), some amazing auroras, and a happy dose of solar radiation on Sunday, Davis is the place to be!
Biologically (the other science), the first summer bird was spotted last week (southern fulmar). Sadly no pictures were taken. Giant petrels have been seen around but I have been informed that these don’t count as they are just angry seagulls, and never leave. A few people have also seen a Weddell seal or two.
I feel I can’t really speak for the football, but things are getting tense of station, particularly after a recent Richmond vs. Geelong game as well as a West Coast vs. Port Adelaide game.
Ralph (Doctor)