With both RSV Nuyina and general cargo ship Happy Dragon having departed the station, it was time for Casey to catch up on Christmas, New Year’s and Australia Day celebrations. The broad plan was to celebrate Christmas and New Year’s on 24th January, followed by a relaxing Boxing Day on the 25th, then finishing off with Australia Day on 26th January. Certainly a lot to condense into a three day period – when many at home would need a week to either prepare, conduct or recuperate from any one single event!!
Santa, his helper elf and a surprise visit from the Grinch featured early-ish on our Christmas Day as Kris Kringle gifts were distributed, to be followed by pre-dinner cocktails, a sumptuous meal and desserts. The day closed with the raising of glasses to welcome in 2022, albeit some three weeks late. An easy Boxing Day saw many take the opportunity to relax or enjoy the outdoors, before Australia Day presented itself.
The start of the morning was looking somewhat grim for the summer swim, with overcast conditions and 20-25 knot winds that thankfully moderated by midday. Clouds were still overhead but waters and winds were calm, enticing around 50 expeditioners to embrace the -1 degree Celsius swimming temperature. Unlike a mid-winter swim, it certainly felt warmer out than in! Once toes and fingers became functional again, an outside BBQ followed - complemented by a traditional game of cricket, kicking the footy, tug of war and tunes played by our budding DJs.
A big thanks to all of our expos and social club members for helping out across multiple days to get things organised and set in place, and then packing up afterwards. And of course our collective hats are tipped to chefs Justin, Rocket and Tim for preparing such an amazing spread of culinary delights over the entire festive break. Even when on holidays, we continue to be safety and survival conscious, steadily working on that first layer of bodily insulation to remain warm ...
- Dave Buller (Station Leader)