This week at Casey trips are being planned

Prepared to go

The last couple of weeks have seen us setting up and testing equipment for the Law Dome Traverse, which is around 120km from Casey, roughly a ten hour trip. A team of eight will be heading up to inspect the automatic weather station equipment located at the top of the Dome.

Last week we did a shakedown trip to the skiway to test our plan to take two Hägglunds, both towing sleds, one with an additional caboose and the trooper towing the silver chalet. The caboose sleeps 2, the chalet 4, which leaves 2 people roughing it in a tent.

The Wilkins Aerodrome crew of four will be leaving this week to start setting up the aerodrome accommodation so they can start getting the ice runway ready for the first flight of the new season. Wilkins is 65km south east from Casey station and is about a four hour trip. There will be a support crew from Casey station of electricians, plumbers and others to help get the living quarters up and running.
