On arriving at Casey in March this year, I was pleasantly surprised to find a well-established. health-conscious, sports-oriented community. Activity was already occurring on station in every available space and out and about in the Station Operating Area.
Examples of activity we have participated in so far include walking down and around the wharf combined with the Reeve’s Hill ascent, fat biking around station, walking the Bailey’s recreation area and skiing a half marathon to Wilkes Hut and back.
With the onset of inclement weather the focus on indoor activity has also increased, including good use of Casey’s well-established gyms as well as using every other suitable space that can host yoga, high intensity fitness (HIT) training classes and boxing. For example, the bar alternates as a boxing facility before and sometimes after work as well and provides a good place to hold this professional style training.
Casey’s gyms have an array of sweat extracting to torturous machines. Amongst the cross trainers, bicycles and rowing machines sits the treadmill with speeds and distances increasing daily. It gives burning rubber a new meaning. It is certainly a station favourite. In fact, after learning a marathon was completed last season, the challenge is already on for this year, with one person having completed a winter marathon just this week. I’m sure there will be more to come.