During the summer Casey is a place of multiple layers and changing dynamics. It goes from an intimate team of 30 to a transit lounge for expeditioners from multiple countries travelling in and out of programs, topping out this year at 119. As Casey’s population evolves during the season the community changes with it. Every group of expeditioners brings a new dimension to its personality.
There are many constants as well — a strong sense of teamwork, mateship and enthusiasm for living and working in Antarctica. The people here made the summer an amazing experience.
We had world-leading scientists on projects like Law Dome ice drilling, the seabird team’s ongoing work with Adélie penguins, and Totten and King projects looking at the relationship of glaciers and sea levels, to name but a few.
The summer also brought the operational team to full strength: from pilots to Bureau of Meterorology forecasters to communications operators to aviation ground support officers to field leaders and an operations coordinator. Added to this is Wilkins Aerodrome that links Antarctica to Australia. Casey supports Wilkins with facilities, maintenance and logistics. Each member of this operations focused group made an invaluable contribution to ensure that we conducted safe and productive operations throughout the summer.
An extensive group of professionals made up Casey’s core to ensure the station was maintained, improvements completed and expeditioners supported. This was a well-blended group, with increased numbers of every trade and profession to support our projects, maintenance and operations. The work we completed was impressive and included the installation of solar panels on the Green store, new HV cable and supporting infrastructure for the wharf facilities, resupply operations and major machinery repairs and maintenance.
As the summer season ended last week and the last of our flights departed, the winter team said “so long” to good friends and colleagues. Thank you to everyone for a wonderful summer. We wish the departing team all the best for their next adventure and we look forward to ours here in this winter wonderland that is Casey — our LEGO land home!
Chris (Station Leader)