A chance to stop and reset this week with no inter-continental flights, although our friendly JKB Basler did stay on, waiting for good weather at Davis, and we also had the GCX Basler arrive from the Chinese station Zhong Shan, after a little detour to Wilkins, on Monday.
With JKB still with us and beautiful weather on Monday, the opportunity was taken for key station staff to undertake a reconnaissance flight over the station operating area and a second low light recce training flight for the air crew and field training officers. An incredible opportunity to fly over this amazing part of the world — viewing Cape Poinsett, the Totten Glacier, Law Dome, the Vanderford Glacier, Haupt Nanatak, and then back to the Casey skiway giving a fabulous view of the station as we came in to land.
The station is humming along with the additional accommodation of east wing now ready for the first residents. It’s a beautiful job that’s been completed by the projects team, including lovely park bench, crafted by Nev, for the front porch (I'll chase up some photos for next week’s edition).
The diesos (with station assistance) undertook an unscheduled fuel transfer which was a perfectly planned and executed exercise with not one drop of fuel leaving the lines (much to the relief of the remediation team).
The lovely summer weather has allowed us to continue extraordinary recreational activities, with visits to field huts, a 10km ski/walk/run/ride activity from the Casey skiway to station on Sunday afternoon, and a couple of last crossings to Shirley Island to see the penguins (making the most of a slightly extended sea-ice travel season).
The ‘Summer 2017 Casey Quiz Night’ was held on Saturday night, with the incredible quiz master skills of Matt M and his fabulous assistants Stu S and Pat (rice) coming to the fore. The Casey Ops/Comms team (The Penguin Whisperers) is now looking forward to an all expenses paid table service degustation meal, with waiting services supplied by the (losing) team (Brain Freeze).
All in all, a great week. The count down to the arrival of Aurora Australis for resupply has begun and then Christmas!
By Rebecca (station leader).