Casey is up and running for the season.
Another busy week on Station with both a C-17A flight bringing cargo and a small group of Defence personnel to see flight operations at Wilkins, and an A319 transferring a group of Chinese via Basler to the Chinese station, Zhong Shan. Also on the A319 were a group of parliamentarians, some round tripping and some heading down to Casey for a quick visit, to view Australia’s Antarctic infrastructure as part of their remit on the Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories. They have been given a great Antarctic welcome with a busy schedule of building visits, including (lucky them) the waste water treatment plant… a must see site on the Casey tourist trail!
Two more lots of survival training have also been undertaken, with quite an exciting adventure in a blizz for one group; lets just say they really practised their survival skills (see Scotty Clifford’s story for a recap).
After the blizz on Thursday/Friday (the first for our season) the weekend weather was beautiful, providing the opportunity for quite a few lucky people to travel across the sea ice to Shirley Island to visit our neighbouring Adèlie penguin colony. The penguins are busy preparing for the arrival of their chicks, with much frantic rock stealing activity underway in order to build suitable nests.
The weekend was capped off by our first formal Saturday night dinner. Glenn and the chefs excelled themselves with a delicious spit roast lamb and suckling pig, finished off with a delicious dessert with a custard that may have had just a tiny smidge of Baileys as the special secret ingredient.
Now we sit poised for the next plane arrival, hopefully bringing our new bus, Priscilla…