Recently on station it became apparent that while most local penguins have boarded an ice floe and ventured north for the winter, one little bloke has decided to remain behind and see what goes on around here in the coldest months.
Shifty first started making his presence felt when graffiti started to pop up around station. From there it progressed to cameo appearances at the bar on random nights and showing up in people’s beds and bathrooms. Lately however, Shifty has progressed to become a member of the team and not only socializes with the winter expeditioners but also chips in on station, taking on helpful duties such as safety supervisor for the midwinter swim and coach for our champion darts team. Don’t however make the mistake of holding any trust for Shifty as he remains an unbridled opportunist and doesn’t hesitate to capitalise on situations such as unattended wallets or even valuables left in an unlocked bedroom.
While Shifty has been having a bonza time relaxing with the Casey crew, he is looking forward to the oncoming summer and taking up residence on nearby Shirley Island where he will await the island’s seasonal penguin community to return from the north. In preparation he has been stockpiling large quantities of pebbles for gifts he plans to shower upon eligible females in a brazen display of his affections. While Shifty doesn’t like to plan too far ahead, he has voiced intentions to spend next winter at Davis station to provide some desperately needed darts coaching.