The Australian Antarctic Magazine ceased production in June 2020 and has been replaced by an in-depth, interactive feature series Explore Antarctica. You can also keep up to date with the latest news from the Australian Antarctic Program with our online newsletter Antarctic Insider.

The Australian Antarctic Magazine [ISSN 2652-3027 – online version] seeks to inform the Australian and international Antarctic community about the activities of the Australian Antarctic program. Opinions expressed in the magazine do not necessarily represent the position of the Australian Government.

Between 2001 and 2020 the magazine was published twice a year, in June and December, in hard copy and online. All text and images published in the magazine are copyright of the Commonwealth of Australia, unless otherwise stated. Editorial enquiries, including requests to reproduce material, should be addressed to the Editor at

Australian Antarctic Magazine – Issue 1: Autumn 2001


Australia’s Antarctic Program starts the new millennium seeking to understand the role of Antarctica in the global climate system and to protect Antarctica and all of its special qualities.

Photograph credits

Front cover, clockwise

Andrew Klekociuk, Steve Nicol, Wayne Papps, Doug Thost, Gavin Johnston, Wayne Papps, Diana Calder

Back cover, clockwise

Wayne Papps, Pauline deVox, Kim Pitt, Stephen Brooks, Clive McMahon and Anna McEldowney, Steve Nicol, Australian Antarctic Data Centre, Wayne Papps; Iceberg in background: Diana Calder




Environment and heritage



In brief…

Fifty years ago

Freeze Frame
