How is it possible to choose your favourite moments in photographs from the thousands collected over three winters at Mawson Station spanning eleven years? Our carpenter, Scottish, has a go!

Highlights after three winters at Mawson

After 3 winters at Mawson and at least 25 visits to the penguins I thought I’d trawl the photos on my hard drive and select some of my best Auster / Macey photos.

3 cameras, 2 phones, and over 10,000 photos later – not to mention the countless bars of chocolate, Fray Bentos, numb fingers and toes – I have managed to whittle it down to just 12.

This was no easy task as every photo has memories. So instead I have tried to put those memories aside and just focus on the pictures.

Chris “Scottish” George - lord mayor of Rumdoodle and Macey huts (Mawson Carpenter)

Emperor Penguins and Halloween Fun

Having decided as a station to take the Hobart Show Holiday on Monday in order to create a long weekend, it was somewhat disappointing to see the wind start to build and a blizzard well and truly set in on the Saturday. It continued into Sunday, and, with wind speeds gusting over 120km/h, any plans for exploration outside were definitely put on hold.

Instead, we took the opportunity to decorate the upstairs area for a wonderful Halloween-themed celebration. Some impressive (and some not-so-impressive) costumes were sourced from our extensive collection in the basement, and we gathered in candle-lit spookiness. Of course, to achieve such darkness, all the blinds had to be drawn as the sun was very much still bright in the sky well into the late night (it is currently not dropping below the horizon until after 9 pm!) Dancing until the early morning hours, perhaps it was a good thing that no one was leaving the building for most of Sunday anyway.

Thankfully, The blizzard cleared over Sunday, and we woke Monday to a beautiful, calm and clear day – perfect for another trip out to the Auster emperor penguin colony. As we know that our chances to visit the colony are rapidly coming to an end for the season with signs that the sea ice is already starting to break out on the edges to our north, we took advantage of the summery conditions to simply enjoy the time with the penguins which were noticeably more inquisitive of our presence. I say summery conditions, and it was for us. It surprises me how much we have all acclimatised as even though it was still around -10°C, the lack of wind chill had us taking off our jackets so we wouldn’t overheat. It is hard to imagine how we will cope when it rises above zero!

Cat (Mawson Station Leader)

Emperor Penguin Chicks at Auster
