Going to the gym everyday can help improve your cardiovascular system, strengthen your muscles, help you maintain your weight, boost your mental health and decrease the odds that you will develop other health conditions. Let’s face it, we are a fit bunch here at Mawson!
Hmmm… well maybe. We do have a group of gym junkies that consistently use the cardio room, a group that pumps iron in the weights gym and a dedicated bunch that are getting stretchy with it, doing yoga in the cinema. For most of us here at Mawson, the routine of getting to the gym is all about improving our health and fitness.
This year so far, we have competed in the Push-up Challenge, held every year to not only improve your health and fitness but to also provide awareness for mental health issues. I would like to congratulate our Mawson push-up team for not only completing the challenge but also for raising funds to go towards mental health charities.
We have an ongoing 5km run/walk and a 15km bike challenge that’s all about trying to improve our times and fitness, and this month we started a boot camp which incorporates stretching, boxing and light weights in a circuit format.
Go hard Mawson!
Fitzy, Gym Manager