Just sit back and enjoy the view

Photo journal – November

November was a pretty special month on and around station – well every month is special really. But November has a real buzz to it as so much of the life returns to station surrounds, the days get eternal and the weather warms. We witness the full cycle of the beautiful and resilient life-forms that call this corner of the world home. New life and death is all around. And the scenery – at the peak of accessibility for expeditioners given sea ice is still in, and the plateau becomes more enticing with warmer and lighter days – is amazing as always. Only now it is gifted with a new hue and different light. I will let the pictures do the talking – but you will see how lucky we are to call Mawson home at this amazing time of year.

Cheers and good vibes from old Mawson town.

Matt Williams – station leader
