And there it was. The Holy Grail, our Golden Fleece glistening in the afternoon sun on the side of a hill on one of the southern-most mountains of the island we call home – the wonder that is Macquarie Island.
It was the afternoon of the fourth day of our planned trip to Mt Ainsworth when the five of us first saw the object that brought us together on our epic journey, a small hut, an adaptation of a plastic rainwater tank approximately 2.0m in diameter that housed the equipment for our Channel 21 VHF repeater.
Our mission, which we enthusiastically accepted, was to carry between us some 40kg of equipment – including three lithium batteries, 1 x solar panel and various other necessary items in addition to our required survival and personal items – travel to Hurd Point, then ascend to the repeater site to make necessary repairs. Thus, enabling us to restore vital VHF radio communications to the southern part of the island.
I, personally, was very excited and indeed privileged to experience staying at Hurd Point and marvelling at its surrounds for the fourth time in 2 years, the last being in February 2023.
On day 5 of our mission, we carefully ascended the ridge to the Repeater Hut, taking care not to compromise the delicate ecosystem, and over the next two days, successfully diagnosed faults and replaced equipment, restoring communications for VHF Channel 21.
We were very grateful that the weather was kind to us until now (somewhat calculated that way) and for the three of us that returned to station, on what was to be day 7, it was equally fabulous for our visit to overlook Lusitania Bay, a king penguin mecca.
Our journey concluded on day 8; after a short stopover at Green Gorge we returned to our regular island home on the isthmus. To be forever appreciative.
Pete Mackle, Station Electrician