Welcome to Macca! As this is my third winter at Macca, I best keep it short, with lots of pics (apologies for the quality).
I thought I might delve into my own archives and current years pics and look at how we expos arrive and depart our little island home, locally known as the green sponge of the sub-Antarctic.
Here are some of the ships that have delivered expeditioners and tourists during my time from 2006 to 2014 to 2022.
Nuyina….. this year was the Nuyina’s first ever historical visit to Macca for a huge resupply, certainly looks grandiose out in Buckles Bay.
The Aurora Australis … commonly known as the Orange Roughie, the now retired old work horse of the AAP.
The Spirit of Enderby- a tourist vessel that frequented Macca pre-covid on many occasions bringing summer expeditioners and tourists alike.
The Orion visited in 2006.
The (old) L’Astrolabe, a French vessel that is based out of Hobart during the summer months to resupply the French base, Dumont d'Urville. In the past it had been used to resupply Macca on many occasions as well as dropping off and picking up expeditioners on their way south and north during the summer months. The picture seen here was taken in 2006, and this vessel has now been retired with the new L’Astrolabe may be calling in in late October to early November 2022.
Cheers from McGivor (Graeme Freeman)