From Star Wars to Pizza Wars, Casey's Ultimate Winter Gatherings

Intergalactic Fun and Flavor

We’re rolling well into winter here at Casey. The sun is rapidly retreating. Our penguin and seal buddies have left us. BUT, that doesn’t mean it’s time to hibernate. This wild wintering bunch are just beginning to stretch their social wings, flex their costume-making muscles and embrace their inner (and not so inner) nerd.

May the Fourth be with you

A long time ago on a station far, far away....the Casey crew flung open their arms, costume cupboards and eyeballs for the Star Wars themed May the Fourth weekend. There were spectacular outfits, all competing for the coveted Golden Can. After formalities and photo shoots, our fancy-dress heroes and the rest of us nerds crammed into the Odeon theatre, and in a stellar effort, over 3 days, sat through all 9 episodes (21 hours) of Star Wars together. We went in as fresh as a 1977 Han Solo, and by the end felt a bit more Jabba the Hutt.

Penguin Pass Pizza Night

In a gesture as grand as a fully loaded supreme, a handful of our family threw the idea of pizza night into the air and caught it with both hands still spinning. Preparations began the day before when everyone was given the opportunity to create and name their very own pizza. A wicked pizza menu was created for the night, handed out and, very importantly, placed by the phone in Splinters bar. With the mouth-watering aroma of the pizzas cooking downstairs at Penguin Pass Pizza Boys, we were elbowing each other out of the way to place our orders . This joint only does delivery, and what a delivery! Every precious pizza, hand delivered by the token P-plate pizza kid in his sweet ride, complete with dash cam, blow off valve and tunes blasting through the fully sick sub-woofer. A cracking night and fabulous pizzas. Thanks Penguin Pass Pizza Boys!!

Comms Tec Team, 

Kim.P & Dan.G
