The next step towards the construction of a new station on Macquarie Island has begun with a ‘market sounding’ process.
The process will engage with industry to verify the proposed approach to the Australian Antarctic Division’s Macquarie Island Research Station Modernisation Project.
It will also enable the Antarctic Division to gauge the level of construction industry interest in the project, and the broader Department of Environment and Energy to assess market feedback on the project.
In October last year the Federal Government announced overall funding of up to $50 million to build a new state-of-the-art research station on Macquarie Island.
This money will fund the design and construction of a new station, renewal of the island’s field hut network, decommissioning of existing facilities and management of the transition to the new station.
The Antarctic Division will hold a briefing for industry representatives on Thursday 22 June 2017 in Hobart.
For further information and to register for the briefing visit the AusTender website.