August 2009
The Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre (ACE CRC) has received a further five years funding from the Australian Government.
The $20.1 million will ensure the extension of key Australian Antarctic Division research done through the centre, including the impact of climate change on Southern Ocean ecosystems and Antarctic ice sheets and sea ice.
“The Division’s research is really helping improve Australia’s, and the world’s, understanding of climate change and global warming,” AAD Director Lyn Maddock said.
The ACE CRC is a collaborative research partnership between the Australian Antarctic Division, Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO, and University of Tasmania.
The ACE CRC’s new five-year plan will address 4 main questions;
- How is the Southern Ocean changing and what are the implications for Australian and global climate now and in the future?
- How will the Antarctic ice sheet and sea ice respond to changes in climate and what impact will changes in the cryosphere have on climate and sea level?
- Will the Southern Ocean continue to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and how rapidly will this increase the acidity of the ocean?
- What will be the impacts of changes in sea ice and the Southern Ocean on Antarctic ecosystems and fisheries?
The Australian Antarctic Division’s ‘s Chief Scientist, John Gunn, said the Division will also continue to provide vital logistical support to ACE CRC scientists.
“We provide a lot of in-kind contribution to the research, such as sea and air transport, equipment and accommodation,” he said.
Related Links
Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre website.