Australian Capital Territory
Institution: Australian National University
Recipient: Dr Anya Reading
Project Title: The deep structure of East Antarctica from broad-band seismic data.
Recipient: Dr Mary Skotnicki
Project Title: Conservation of plant biodiversity in Antarctica — a genetic approach.
Recipient: Dr Mary Skotnicki
Project Title: Investigation of virus biodiversity in Antarctic terrestrial plants.
Recipient: Dr Paul Tregoning
Project Title: Glacial Isostatic Rebound in East Antarctica.
Institution: La Trobe University
Recipient: Professor Peter Dyson
Project Title: Upper atmosphere dynamics and thermodynamics.
Recipient: Professor Peter Dyson
Project Title: Investigations of Space Weather and the Mesosphere using the TIGER Radar.
Recipient: Dr Simon Goldsworthy
Project Title: The conservation of fur seals in the antarctic marine ecosystem.
Recipient: Dr Paul Sunnucks
Project Title: Molecular studies of the origins and dispersal patterns of invertebrates in the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic.
Recipient: Dr Paul Sunnucks
Project Title: Introduced invasive terrestrial invertebrates on Macquarie Island:
studies on ecology origins and control
Institution: University of Melbourne
Recipient: Dr Sandy Iuliano-Burns
Project Title: Does prolonged sun deprivation in Antarctic conditions cause
irreversible bone loss?
Recipient: A/Professor Ian Simmonds
Project Title: The influence of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation on Antarctic
and sub-Antarctic climate
Recipient: A/Professor Ian Simmonds
Project Title: The variability of the southern annular mode and associations
with high latitude weather and climate
Recipient: Professor Geoff Stevens
Project Title: Development and application of technologies for the removal of
heavy-metal contaminants from run-off associated with
abandoned waste disposal sites
Recipient: Professor Geoff Stevens
Project Title: Constraints on hydrocarbon absorption and nutrient release from
zeolites at low temperatures for hydrocarbon remediation in Antarctica
Recipient: Professor Chris Wilson
Project Title: Interpretation of airborne geophysical data acquired during PCMEGA
Institution: Museum of Victoria
Recipient: Dr Jan Watson
Project Title: Hydroids of the BANZARE Antarctic expeditions 1916–1931
Institution: Griffith University
Recipient: Professor Al Gabric
Project Title: Biogeochemical modelling of the feedback between ocean biota
and climate at polar latitudes
Institution: University of Queensland
Recipient: Dr Hamish McGowan
Project Title: Frozen dunes: An indicator of climate variability, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctic.
Institution: University of Southern Queensland
Recipient: Dr Joachim Ribbe
Project Title: On sub-Antarctic Mode Water Production and Export.
New South Wales
Institution: Macquarie University
Recipient: Dr Damian Gore
Project Title: Subsurface investigations of Marine Plain.
Recipient: Dr Damian Gore
Project Title: The hydraulic behaviour of Permeable Reactive Barrier materials under freeze-thaw conditions.
Recipient: Dr Patricia Selkirk
Project Title: Measurement of moss growth rates in Antarctica.
Institution: Southern Cross University
Recipient: Professor Graham Jones
Project Title: Factors affecting DMS inthe seasonal ice zone.
Institution: University of Newcastle
Recipient: Professor Brian Fraser
Project Title: Observations of ULF space plasma waves in Antarctica.
Recipient: Professor Brian Fraser
Project Title: A Southern Hemisphere imaging riometer experiment (SHIRE).
Institution: University of New South Wales
Recipient: Dr Michael Burton
Project Title: The automated astrophysical site testing observatory.
Recipient: Dr Matthew England
Project Title: Variability and stability of Antarctic Bottom Water.
Institution: University of Sydney
Recipient: Dr Geoff Clarke
Project Title: The strength of the lower continental crust; evidence from Stillwell Hills-Oygarden Group.
Recipient: Dr Rachel Codd
Project Title: Molecular Characterisation of Cold-Adapted Metallo-Oxotransferases from the Dimethylsulfoxide Reductase Family Expressed by Antarctic Bacteria (Genus: Shewanella).
Recipient: Dr Dietmar Muller
Project Title: Constraining the history of curcum-antarctic circulation with digital southern ocean palaeo-depth maps.
Institution: University of Technology
Recipient: Dr John Runcie
Project Title: Are Antarctic macroalgae more sensitive to contaminates than lower latitude species? Development and application of novel ecotoxicological techniques.
Institution: University of Wollongong
Recipient: Dr Sharon Robinson
Project Title: Using microsatellites as markers to explore genetic variation in 'Ceratodon purpureus'.
Institution: Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment
Recipient: Dr Rosemary Gales
Project Title: Conservation and population status of albatrosses and giant petrels on Macquarie Island.
Institution: University of Tasmania
Recipient: Mr Leon Barmuta
Project Title: Antarctic freshwater lake fauna: Palaeobiogeography, palaeoecology and applications to climate change studies.
Recipient: Dr John Bowman
Project Title: Bacterial hydrocarbon degradation and impacts of hydrocarbon pollutants on microbial communities within Antarctic coastal sediments.
Recipient: Professor Richard Coleman
Project Title: Ridging and Calving on the Amery Ice Shelf.
Recipient: Professor Richard Coleman
Project Title: Fracturing and deformation along the Amery Ice Shelf.
Recipient: Dr Garry Davidson
Project Title: Geophysical imaging, structural analysis and alteration geochemistry of the Macquarie Island crust, to constrain the tectonic and hydrothermal history of the ocean floor.
Recipient: Dr Mark Hindell
Project Title: The effect of spatial and temporal variation in marine productivity on energy acquisition in southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina.
Recipient: A/Professor Andrew McMinn
Project Title: Sea ice primary production of eastern Antarctica.
Recipient: A/Professor Andrew McMinn
Project Title: Effect of Global Change on the Primary Production of Antarctic coastal Ecosystems.
Recipient: Dr Manual Nunez
Project Title: UV climate over the Southern Ocean south of Australia, and its biological impact.
Recipient: Professor Pat Quilty
Project Title: Holocene sea-ice history: the association between deep-sea and continental ice core records.
Recipient: Dr Andrew Seen
Project Title: Development and application of DGT devices for passive sampling of contaminated waters in the Antarctic environment.
Recipient: Dr Kerrie Swadling
Project Title: The fate of primary production in Antarctic sea ice: the role of metazoan grazers.
Recipient: Dr Fiona Taylor
Project Title: Response of Antarctic marine diatoms to environment modification.
Recipient: Dr Eric Woehler
Project Title: Monitoring for long-term or cumulative impacts in Southern Ocean seabirds.
Recipient: Dr Eric Woehler
Project Title: Variability in the distribution and abundance of seabirds in the
Southern Indian Ocean.
Western Australia
Institution: Curtin University
Recipient: Professor Kevin Rosman
Project Title: Heavy metal concentrations and isotope ratios in Law Dome snow as
indicators of recent climatic and environmental variability.
South Australia
Institution: Flinders University
Recipient: Dr Jim Mitchell
Project Title: Impact of viscosity on the morphology and swimming behaviour of motile bacterioplankton, phytoplankton and protozooplankton.
Recipient: Dr Laurent Seuront
Project Title: Three-dimensional microscale distribution and production of
plankton populations.
Recipient: Professor Matt Tomczak
Project Title: Objective determination of water mass property changes in the
Circumpolar current during 1991–1996.
Institution: University of Adelaide
Recipient: Dr Iain Reid
Project Title: A meteor radar for measuring mesospheric and lower thermospheric winds and temperature at Davis Station.
Recipient: Dr Bob Vincent
Project Title: Dynamical coupling in the Antarctic middle atmosphere.