A team of Antarctic climate scientists will take their research direct to the public in Launceston this week in an attempt to correct misinformation and present the facts of climate change.

The Climate Conversations is an interactive panel discussion session with scientists from the Australian Antarctic Division and the Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre speaking directly to the community about their research.

The scientists will discuss the study of past climate change from ice cores, how this informs us about future climate scenarios and the biological effects of climate change such as ocean acidification in the Southern Ocean.

Glaciologist Dr Tessa Vance, said the scientists, including Dr Tas van Ommen, Dr Joel Pedro and Rob King had already toured The Climate Conversations around regional New South Wales.

“The response from the public was quite astonishing for us and our hosts, with every venue except one overflowing,” Dr Vance said.

“I think this really demonstrates the community’s thirst for factual information direct from the scientists, rather than hearing a range of alarmist reports in the media and on the internet.”

Further sessions will be held around the state over the next few months.
