A series of 17 papers on krill biology and ecology was published in a special volume of Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, released on 26 March 2010. The papers resulted from a Workshop on krill research: current status and its future, held in Japan in 2007. Co-editor of the volume, Australian Antarctic Division krill biologist, Dr So Kawaguchi, says the research discussed in the papers includes:
- studying krill at multiple spatial and temporal scales;
- studying swarm structure using the latest acoustic techniques;
- modelling approaches used to describe variability in the krill system;
- distribution, biology and ecology of krill species, from the Southern Ocean to the tropics; and
- krill ageing, growth and behaviour.
Australian Antarctic Division scientists contributed four papers to the collection, focussing on the temperature effects on the growth and maturation of krill, observing krill schooling behaviour , understanding krill distribution and community structure, and new approaches for studying the distribution and abundance of krill. Dr Kawaguchi and a US colleague provided an editorial introduction to the paper series.
Deep-Sea Research Part II publishes topical issues from the many international and interdisciplinary projects which are undertaken in oceanography, as well as collections of papers presented at conferences. Its companion journal, Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, publishes regular research papers on oceanography.