Ukraine achieved recognition as a Consultative Party to the Antarctic Treaty at the 27th Antarctic Treaty meeting in Cape Town in May, bringing the number of Consultative Parties to 28.
Recognition of the achievement of Consultative Party (ATCP) status is done is accordance with the provisions of Article IX.2 of the Antarctic Treaty and is made by a decision of the existing ATCPs. The decision recognises Ukraine’s long term commitment to the Antarctic Treaty and the standard of its Antarctic science program.
At the meeting, Professor Vasil Kremen, Minister of Education and Science, responded to concerns about Ukraine’s involvement in the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) and the actions of some of its fishing vessels. The Minister noted that Ukraine meets all of the current CCAMLR conservation measures, but apologised for the behaviour of some Ukrainian flagged vessels engaged in fishing for toothfish in the CCAMLR area. He reassured the meeting that the allegations about these vessels would be fully investigated and that the vessels involved would likely lose their licences.
Ukraine operates one permanent station in the Antarctic Treaty area — Vernadsky station — where it conducts studies in atmospheric physics, geophysics, climate, biology and glaciology.
Andrew Jackson
Manager, Antarctic and International Policy,
Australian Antarctic Division