John Jones was the Senior Plumber for Davis in 1998 and was selected during training to be the Winter Trades Team Leader. He also voluntarily took on the additional roles of Station Fire Officer, Station Environment Officer and Station Waste Management Officer. Thus he was a key member of the station’s management team and his sound judgement and common-sense approach ensured that the contributions he made to the group and therefore the overall management of the station, were always of considerable value. Mr Jones undertook considerable extra-curricular activities, taking a major role in the planning and conduct of station sporting activities and other social events. His efforts in this respect added considerably to the quality and variety of social life on the station and to the overall cohesion of the expedition team. He also volunteered to assist in the management of the station’s hydroponic garden and gave considerable time and expertise to this project.

Through all these contributions, and the application of outstanding qualities of leadership, Mr Jones made exceptional contributions to the success of the 1998 Davis year.
