Mawson’s Huts — remnants of the ‘Heroic Era’ of Antarctic exploration — have been recognised for their historical, scientific and cultural significance by their inclusion on the National Heritage List.
Announcing the listing on Australia Day this year, Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Senator Ian Campbell, said the huts were a symbol of Australia’s pioneering role in the exploration of Antarctica.
‘In 1911, with the nation cheering him on, Douglas Mawson ventured as a hero into a largely unknown environment, confident that his exploration of the Antarctic continent would help make Australia richer in both scientific knowledge and in resources,’ Senator Campbell said.
‘He established the first base for scientific and geographical discovery in Antarctica by Australians, and from four simple huts in the fiercest environment on Earth, he set out to learn as much as he could about the land, the ocean, the weather, the rocks and the forces that carved out Antarctica.
‘The research and survey work he conducted, laid the foundations for what is our world renowned Antarctic research programme today.’
The AAD’s submission to have the huts listed for protection under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act highlighted a range of heritage values. These included archaeological, scientific, technical, social and historical values.