This issue’s Australian Antarctic station weather information moves from Mawson and Davis to Casey, where the Met team was led by Gary Malpass.
Month by month overview of 2001
Jan., Feb. & March 2001: Average conditions
April & May 2001: Higher than average wind strength and snowfall
June 2001: Average conditions
July 2001: Above average wind strength and temperature
Aug. 2001: −32.9°C on 24 Aug, lowest August temperature since records began in 1989 at current Casey site
Sept. 2001: Slightly above average precipitation
Oct. 2001: Highest October mean daily sunshine since 1989: 5.9 hours of sunshine per day, exceeding old record by 0.7 hour.
Nov. and Dec. 2001: Average conditions.
2001 weather extremes
Lowest air pressure: 949.7 hPa on 2 and 29June
Highest air pressure: 1008.0 hPa on 24 May
Lowest daily minimum temperature: minus 32.9°C on 24 August
Highest daily minimum temperature: 0.0°C on 17 January
Lowest daily maximum temperature: minus 26.7°C on 24 August
Highest daily maximum temperature: 5.0°C on 31 December
Highest daily maximum wind gust: Easterly, 195km/h (105 knots) on 11 September
Weather phenomena
No. of Days % of the year
Wind above 22 knots 178 49
Wind above 34 knots 127 35
Blizzard* 61 17
Snow fall 175 48
*A blizzard is defined as a period of more than one hour when snow reduces visibility below 100m, the temperature is below freezing point and the wind speed is above 33 knots.