The AAD has made a concerted effort over the past two years to reduce the packaging on a range of cleaning and household goods supplied to stations.
Soaps and shampoos, previously supplied to stations in numerous one-litre packs, have been replaced by a range of bulk products called Dermasoft. Fixed dispensers at washbasins and in showers, replenished from bulk supplies, have brought real progress in reduction of product types (deletion of six lines) and the amount of packaging. These products are being phased in as dispensers are installed.
A patented cleaning system, called Zep, uses a dispenser with four bulk products dispensed through a pre-set measuring mechanism. One product, Supermix, is for kitchen and living area applications, and Aquamix is for bathroom and shower applications. The products, in three-litre plastic bottles, effectively replace 14associated cleaning products and their retail packaging.
John Brooks, AAD