Hurd Point hut is located approximately 32 km south of Macquarie Island station. The hut sleeps 4 people.
The trek to Hurd Point is generally takes 2 days. Expeditioners can stop overnight at Green Gorge or Waterfall Bay.
Hurd Point hut was built as part of an auroral observatory complex. The complex was established in 1953 to carry out simultaneous observations with the station. Today, the hut is used as a base for research in the southern sector of the island. It serves as an important base for albatross researchers during summer.
Hurd Point is home to the largest royal penguin colony in the world. It has over 180,000 breeding pairs of birds during summer. Gentoo penguins, king penguins, and southern elephant seals can be observed from the hut.
The hut commands views over the stormy Southern Ocean. It is well placed for observing the southern aurora.
Accessing Hurd Point hut is a challenge. Expeditioners have to negotiate either steep grassy or narrow rocky creek ‘jump downs’. The challenge makes reaching the hut even more rewarding.
To the west of Hurd Point are Caroline Cove, Windsor Bay and Petrel Peak. These are all contained within a Permanent Special Management Area. Access to the area is restricted all year round. It contains the main Australian breeding location for the critically endangered wandering albatross. It also contains breeding grounds of grey-headed and black-browed albatrosses.